
Aug 31, 2024 I’ve completed my three-month research internship at the Health Lab of OPPO US Research Center this summer! Our work analyzes wrist-collected PPG data for continuous hypertension risk screening. The work will soon be summarized into a paper. Stay tuned!
Jun 3, 2024 I am doing a research internship in the Health Lab at OPPO US Research Center this summer! The interesting research topic is DL-based blood pressure monitoring using PPG signals from wearables.
May 28, 2024 We were ranked 5th among all 324 participants in the Justified Referral in AI Glaucoma Screening (JustRAIGS) challenge at ISBI 2024 !
Mar 29, 2024 The paper Usformer 2.0 was accepted by Heliyon.
Oct 15, 2023 We were ranked 3rd in the task of coronary artery segmentation in the Automatic Region-based Coronary Artery Disease diagnostics using x-ray angiography imagEs (ARCADE) challenge at MICCAI 2023 !
Oct 15, 2023 We were ranked 3rd in the task of stenosis detection in the ARCADE challenge at MICCAI 2023!
Jul 19, 2023 Fortunate to receive the EUSIPCO 2023 Student Travel Award.
May 29, 2023 The paper Usformer 1.0 was accepted by EUSIPCO 2023.